You’re sitting at a stoplight, windows rolled down, enjoying the light breeze on a clear 75 degree day when a loud screeching rudely interrupts your train of thought. You turn to your right as the screeching continues and a black Ford Taurus slowly creeps up. You’d love to glare at the gray haired man out the window and inform him of his screeching brakes, but decide against it.
Many realize that screeching brakes are a sign that you need to replace something on your current brake system. There are three components that make up the braking system on a car; Brake pads, linings and rotors. These elements are housed next to each of the wheels. They push against one another to create friction, which stops the car.
It’s obvious that friction will cause wear and tear on the brake pads and eventually they will need replacing or your brake system will fail. So how will you know when maintenance is in order? Pay attention to the following signs:
- Flashing brake warning light
- Squealing, chirping or grinding noises
- Pulsations in the brake pedal
- Shaky steering wheel
- Increased stopping distance
- Car pulls to one side when you stop.
These are six tell-tale signs that it’s time to take your trusty vehicle in for a check-up. Vehicle maintenance is important to maintaining the health of your car. No one wants to be that guy that screeches up to the stop light, so keep your vehicle up to par and you won’t have to worry about it.